Kitchen Equipment

Lintas Artha Engineering system, Industrial Fabrication Company bangga memperkenalkan jasa kami pada anda. Industrial Fabrication  adalah pabrikan kustom peralatan dapur  stainless steel dan peralatan jasa makanan, melayani semua industri untuk memenuhi pabrikasi anda dan kebutuhan welding, persiapan makanan meliputi; boiling ring, cash register, char grill, chip chuttle, oven konveksi, enam gas pembakar dan oven listrik, boiler air, slice, mesin hot dog, oven kentang victoria, oven, oven raja Edward, gantry panas, pemanas sop, pembuat eskrim, tas pizza, mesin kopi, grill salamander,  food safe shelving, raking, prosesor makanan, pembunuh lalat, pemanggang, steamer air, dishwasher, ceret kaca, oven kentang, range oven, penghangat plate, penghangat pizza, penggoreng lemak, penggoreng ikan, boiler air, pisau kebab listrik, penggoreng elektrik, penggoreng gas, penggorengn lemak tebal, boiling top, probe suhu, bin marie, blender, grill dan boiling top, hot plate gas dan wajan ceper arang, oven kentang, oven microwave, penghanat pie, ceret  catering, unit display panas, lemari panas, ceret, oven uap, pemasak nasi, oven pizza, mesin kebab, dan mesin capucino, mesin kopi.

Catering Equipment

Peralatan catering stainless steel adalah sebuah bidang khusus, meliputi pabrikasi stainless steel (item lokal dan impor), kanopi ekstrak dapur, ducting, meja stainless buatan kustom, banku dinding, rak stainless steel, meja pusat, sink, rack, trolley, peralatan refrigerasi stainless dan counter display.

Equipment for catering
Penyaring kopi, ceret kopi, chafer, kran coklat, counter top fryer, kontiner minuman cater aide, tempat lilin bercabang, tempat lilin,  dispenser bumbu dan rack crystal wine tasting, kaca air mancur dekrasi, tas delivery, air mancur dekokrasi, peralatan pecah belah elegan, keranjang makanan, piring ceper, barang pecah belah, tas panas, lampu panas, meja makan panas, kadi es, serpis makan melamin, grill outdoor, lampu minyak-pencahayaan lilin aman, kendi, mangkok punch, plate, platter, ramekin, tiered tray, aksesoris atas meja,  carier makanan top load, trolley transportasi, kereta utilitas, mangkok kayu, dll.

smallshaker.jpg sundercounterglass.jpg
Blender, bar foot rail, supply buah bar, pencuci gelas bar, pendingin botol bar, penuang kontrol, penuang minuman keras, shaker cocktail, peralatan pecah belah, bucket es dan chiller, martini shaker, portable bar, flak, bar caddy, karpet bar, pembuka botol, bar set, under bar sink, stainless steel sink, bar refrigerator, dispenser bir &  pendingin bir, mesin es, bar ice bin, pencuci piring, pencuci kaca under counter, mesin minuman beku, hanger kaca, ice caddy.


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1.     Bain Marie 1/1 GN without splash back 
2.     Bain Marie 1/1 GN with splash back 
3.     Bain Marie 1/2 x 2 GN without splash back 
4.     Bain Marie 1/2 x 2 GN with splash back 
5.     Bain Marie 2 x 1/1 GN without splash back 
6.     Bain Marie 2 x 1/1 GN with splash back 
7.     Bain Marie 1 x 1/1, 2 x 1/2  GN without splash back 
8.     Bain Marie 1 x 1/1, 2 x 1/2 GN with splash back 
9.     Bain Marie 1/2 x 2 Round without splash back 
10.  Bain Marie 1/2 x 2 Round with splash back 
11.  Bain Marie 3 x 1/1 GN without splash back 
12.  Bain Marie 3 x 1/1 GN with splash back 
13.  Bain Marie 4 x 1/1 GN without splash back 
14.  Bain Marie 4 x 1/1 GN with splash back 
15.  Bain Marie 5 x 1/1 GN without splash back 
16.  Bain Marie 5 x 1/1 GN with splash back 
17.  Bain Marie 6 x 1/1 GN without splash back 
18.  Bain Marie 6 x 1/1 GN with splash back 
19.  Salad Cooler with splash Back
20.  Bottle Cooler with splash Back
21.  Salad Cooler without splash Back
22.  Bottle Cooler without splash Back
23.  Cocktail Station
24.  Blender Station

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1.     Cabinet Wall Mounted sliding Door
2.     Cabinet Wall Mounted open
3.     Cabinet Wall Mounted swing Door
4.     Cabinet Wall Hanging  sliding Door
5.     Cabinet Wall Hanging open
6.     Cabinet Wall Hanging swing Door
7.     Under Counter Cabinet without Splash back with sliding door
8.     Under Counter Cabinet without Splash back with open
9.     Under Counter Cabinet without Splash back with swing door
10.  Under Counter Cabinet with Splash back with sliding door
11.  Under Counter Cabinet with Splash back with open
12.  Under Counter Cabinet with Splash back with swing door
13.  Under counter cabinet  without splash back with single bowl sink
14.  Under counter cabinet  with splash back with single bowl sink
15.  Under Counter cabinet without Splash back with tray rest
16.  Under Counter cabinet with Splash back with tray rest
17.  Up Right Cabinet
18.  Heated Cabinet with swing door
19.  Heated Cabinet with sliding door
20.  Open cabinet with tray slider
21.  Drought beer Cabinet
22.  Open cabinet with tray slider
23.  Proffer Cabinet

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1.     Exhaust Hood with fresh air island Type
2.     Exhaust Hood without fresh air island Type
3.     Exhaust Hood with fresh air Wall Mounted Type
4.     Exhaust Hood without fresh Wall Mounted air island Type


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1.     Single Solid Over shelves
2.     Double Solid Over Shelving
3.     Single Pipe Over shelves
4.     Double Pipe Over Shelving
5.     Single Solid Wall Shelving
6.     Double Solid Wall Shelving
7.     Single pipe Wall Shelving
8.     Double pipe Wall Shelving
9.     Adjustable Single Solid Wall Shelving
10.  Adjustable Double Solid Wall Shelving
11.  Adjustable Single pipe Wall Shelving
12.  Adjustable Double pipe Wall Shelving
13.  Combination pipe and solid shelving
14.  Combination solid and pipe shelving
15.  Single Ceiling mounted Shelving
16.  Double Ceiling mounted Shelving
17.  Pot Hanger
18.  Glass hanger
19.  Slant rack single
20.  Slant rack Double
21.  Clean Dish rack
22.  Sorting rack


Lintas artha engineering system. Bak cuci stainless steel  dapur didesain dengan area catering modern, bak cuci stainless steel komersial dan area cuci tangan dibuat menggunakan stainless steel kualitas 304
Area bak cuci catering komersial dan area cuci tangan dari Anritha system kitchen equipment bisa digunakan  dalam area kerja umum dan ruang cuci/ruang penyimpanan dimana ini penting untuk memiliki peralatan yang tahan lama yang memenuhi regulasli higinitas dan kesehatan.
Catering health & hygiene. Area cuci komersial sistem anritha memberikan sebuah permukaan aman dan higenis untuk persiapan makanan untuk melindungi pekerja anda dan pelanggan anda. Bak cuci catering komersial dan area cuci bisa dibuat dengan kaki yang bisa diatur dan disuplai dengan rak stainless steel yang bisa dipindahkan jika dibutuhkan (untuk membantu dengan pembersihan)
Grease trap / filter conventional mesh filter menahan grease yang terkumpul dalam filter. Ketika ini adalah metode efektif  untuk menghilangkan grease dari udara yang diekstraksi, ini juga menciptakan sebuah bahaya potensial jika kebakaran terjadi di permukaan permukaan pemasakan. Filter grease kami mengalirkan grease ketika menumpuk sehingga menghilangkan banyak bahaya.

SINK (Bak Cuci)
1.     Fish sink without Splash back cutting board
2.     Fish sink with Splash back cutting board
3.     Pot Sink without Splash back
4.     Pot Sink wit Splash back
5.     Single sink without Splash back
6.     Double sink without Splash back
7.     Triple sink without Splash back
8.     Single sink with Splash back
9.     Double sink with Splash back
10.  Triple sink with Splash back
11.  Single sink with Splash back and Pre Rinse
12.  Double sink with Splash back and Pre Rinse
13.  Grease Trap
14.  Gutter pan
15.  Grill and Gutter Pan


Drawing , CAD Drawing 2D or 3D, PDF Drawing 2D or 3 D, On Line Price

1.     Pan Rack Solid 2 tier
2.     Pan Rack Solid 3 tier
3.     Pan Rack Solid 4 tier
4.     Pan Rack Solid 5 tier
5.     Pan Rack Solid 6 tier
6.     Pan Rack Perforated 2 tier
7.     Pan Rack Perforated 3 tier
8.     Pan Rack Perforated 4 tier
9.     Pan Rack Perforated 5 tier
10.  Pan Rack Perforated 6 tier
11.  Pan Rack Slotted 2 tier
12.  Pan Rack Slotted 3 tier
13.  Pan Rack Slotted 4 tier
14.  Pan Rack Slotted5 tier
15.  Pan Rack Slotted 6 tier
16.  Pan Rack Pipe 2 tier
17.  Pan Rack Pipe 3 tier
18.  Pan Rack Pipe 4 tier
19.  Pan Rack Pipe 5 tier
20.  Pan Rack Pipe 6 tier
21.  Pan Rack Mobile Solid 2 tier
22.  Pan Rack Mobile Solid 3 tier
23.  Pan Rack Mobile Solid 4 tier
24.  Pan Rack Mobile Solid 5 tier
25.  Pan Rack Mobile Solid 6 tier
26.  Pan Rack Mobile Perforated 2 tier
27.  Pan Rack Mobile Perforated 3 tier
28.  Pan Rack Mobile Perforated 4 tier
29.  Pan Rack Mobile Perforated 5 tier
30.  Pan Rack Mobile Perforated 6 tier
31.  Pan Rack Mobile Slotted 2 tier
32.  Pan Rack Mobile Slotted 3 tier
33.  Pan Rack Mobile Slotted 4 tier
34.  Pan Rack Mobile Slotted5 tier
35.  Pan Rack Mobile Slotted 6 tier
36.  Pan Rack Mobile Pipe 2 tier
37.  Pan Rack Mobile Pipe 3 tier
38.  Pan Rack Mobile Pipe 4 tier
39.  Pan Rack Mobile Pipe 5 tier
40.  gPan Rack Mobile Pipe 6 tier
Work table

Stainless Steel Work Tables

Lintas artha engineering system membuat meja stainless steel untuk memenuhi kebutuhan khusus anda. Setiap meja stainless steel dibuat berdasarkan sepesifikasi anda meliputi ukuran, dimensi, dan tujuan.
Meja beban berat – sebuah item populer untuk anritha system stainless, meja kerja stainless steel ini bisa memenuhi kekuatan dan kebutuhan ruang bersih. Dengan opti secara virtual tanpa btas, meja kami dan stand kami didesain dengan perhatian lingkungan anda.
Opsi bagian atas meja stainless steel – dipilih dari solid top, rod top atau perforated top sebagai opsi bagian atas meja untuk meja kerja stainless steel anda.
Opsi pendukung meja kerja stainless steel – kaki standard,  pendukung pedestal tunggal atau ganda  dan pendukung frame H adalah opsi untuk kustomissi meja kerja beban berat. Kaki tetap, kaki yang bisa mengangkat sendiri atau castor untuk meja bergerak adalah opsi tambahan.
Memilih dari kaki standard, pedestal tunggal atau ganda atau pendukung frame H sebagai opsi untuk kustimisasi  meja anda. Kaki tetap, kaki yang bisa mengangkat sendiri atau castor untuk meja bergerak adalah opsi tambahan.
Opsi konstruksi meja stainless steel – kereta stainless steel bisa dibuat dari stainless steel 304 atau 316
Finishing kereta stainless steel – semua meja kerja stainless steel pearce ada dalam finishing #4 atau electro polish.

Meja persiapan stainless steel.
Lintas artha engineering system. Meja persiapanperalatan dapur dan bangku  baja didesain dengan memperhatikan area catering modern, meja persiapan kami dibuat menggunakan stainless steel kualitas 304. Meja persiapan komersial stainless steel kami bisa digunakan sebagai permukaan kerja  umum di dapur dan ruang penyimpanan, dimana ini penting untuk memiliki peralatan dapur yang memenuhi regulasi kesehatan dan higinitas. Karena meja persiapan komersial dibangun menggunakan stainless steel kualitas 304, mereka memberikanpermukaan aman dan higinis untuk persiapan makanan yang secara konstan melindungi pekerja dan pelanggan anda. Worktop catering bisa dibuat dengan kaki yang bisa diatur dan bisa disuplai dengan rak stainless steel yang bisa dipindahkan jika dibutuhkan (untuk membantu pembersihan)

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Please select Type/model for  result :

Work table
1.     Work table
2.     Work table with solid single under shelves
3.     Work table with solid double under shelves
4.     Work table with solid triple under shelves
5.     Work table with solid single under shelves and drawer
6.     Work table with Splash back
7.     Work table with Splash back and solid single under shelves
8.     Work table with Splash back and solid double under shelves
9.     Work table with Splash back, solid single under shelves and drawer
10.  Work table with perforated plate single under shelves
11.  Work table with perforated plate double under shelves
12.  Work table with perforated plate triple under shelves
13.  Work table with perforated plate single under shelves and drawer
14.  Work table with perforated plate Splash back
15.  Work table with Splash back and perforated plate single under shelves
16.  Work table with Splash back and perforated plate double under shelves
17.  Work table with Splash back, perforated plate single under shelves and drawer
18.  Work table with bar (all pipe) single under shelves
19.  Work table with bar (all pipe) double under shelves
20.  Work table with bar (all pipe) plate triple under shelves
21.  Work table with bar (all pipe) single under shelves and drawer
22.  Work table with bar (all pipe) Splash back
23.  Work table with Splash back and bar (all pipe) single under shelves
24.  Work table with Splash back and bar (all pipe) double under shelves
25.  Work table with Splash back, bar (all pipe) single under shelves and drawer
26.  Work table with slotted (plate) single under shelves
27.  Work table with slotted (plate) double under shelves
28.  Work table with slotted (plate) plate triple under shelves
29.  Work table with slotted (plate) single under shelves and drawer
30.  Work table with slotted (plate) Splash back
31.  Work table with Splash back and slotted (plate) single under shelves
32.  Work table with Splash back and slotted (plate) double under shelves
33.  Work table with Splash back, slotted (plate) single under shelves and drawer
34.  Work table with 2 sliding drawer
35.  Work table with 3 sliding drawer
36.  Work table with 4 sliding drawer
37.  Work table mobile
38.  Work table mobile with solid single under shelves
39.  Work table mobile with solid double under shelves
40.  Work table mobile with solid triple under shelves
41.  Work table mobile with solid single under shelves and drawer
42.  Work table mobile with Splash back
43.  Work table mobile with Splash back and solid single under shelves
44.  Work table mobile with Splash back and solid double under shelves
45.  Work table mobile with Splash back, solid single under shelves and drawer
46.  Work table mobile with perforated plate single under shelves
47.  Work table mobile with perforated plate double under shelves
48.  Work table mobile with perforated plate triple under shelves
49.  Work table mobile with perforated plate single under shelves and drawer
50.  Work table mobile with perforated plate Splash back
51.  Work table mobile with Splash back and perforated plate single under shelves
52.  Work table mobile with Splash back and perforated plate double under shelves
53.  Work table mobile with Splash back, perforated plate single under shelves and drawer
54.  Work table mobile with bar (all pipe) single under shelves
55.  Work table mobile with bar (all pipe) double under shelves
56.  Work table mobile with bar (all pipe) plate triple under shelves
57.  Work table mobile with bar (all pipe) single under shelves and drawer
58.  Work table mobile with bar (all pipe) Splash back
59.  Work table mobile with Splash back and bar (all pipe) single under shelves
60.  Work table mobile with Splash back and bar (all pipe) double under shelves
61.  Work table mobile with Splash back, bar (all pipe) single under shelves and drawer
62.  Work table mobile with slotted (plate) single under shelves
63.  Work table mobile with slotted (plate) double under shelves
64.  Work table mobile with slotted (plate) plate triple under shelves
65.  Work table mobile with slotted (plate) single under shelves and drawer
66.  Work table mobile with slotted (plate) Splash back
67.  Work table mobile with Splash back and slotted (plate) single under shelves
68.  Work table mobile with Splash back and slotted (plate) double under shelves
69.  Work table mobile with Splash back, slotted (plate) single under shelves and drawer
70.  Work table mobile with 2 sliding drawer
71.  Work table mobile with 3 sliding drawer
72.  Work table mobile with 4 sliding drawer


Drawing , CAD Drawing 2D or 3D, PDF Drawing 2D or 3 D, On Line Price

1.     Gastronome Food Rack Trolley
2.     Luggage Trolley
3.     Transport Trolley
4.     Heated Trolley
5.     Rice Warm Trolley
6.     Cutlery Container Glass Trolley
7.     Cutlery Container Fork Trolley
8.     Cutlery Container Plate Trolley
9.     Glass rack Dolly Trolley
10.  Glass Rack Dolly
11.  Food Box Trolley
12.  Rice Pan Trolley 2 Stage
13.  Rice Pan Trolley 3 Stage
14.  Trolley Food Service 2 shelving
15.  Trolley Food Service 3 shelving
16.  Bushing Trolley
17.  Dumb Box Trolley
18.  Flat Work Trolley
19.  Cabinet Trolley
20.  Open Cabinet Trolley
21.  Multi Purpose Trolley
22.  Hanger Trolley
23.  House Keeping Trolley
24.  Ice Bin Trolley
25.  Flour Bin Trolley
26.  Load transfer Trolley
27.  Utility Hand Truck Trolley
28.  Water Trolley
29.  Flat Work Trolley
30.  Wire Mesh Trolley
31.  Clean Linen Trolley
32.  Maid Trolley
33.  Laundry Trolley
34.  Meat hanger Trolley
35.  Trolley Food  Service
36.  Soaked Trolley

Drawing , CAD Drawing 2D or 3D, PDF Drawing 2D or 3 D, On Line Price

1.     Soiled table without Splash back
2.     Soiled table with Splash back
3.     Soiled table with Bowl Sink without Splash back
4.     Soiled table with Bowl Sink and Splash back
5.     Soiled table with Bowl Sink, Splash back and Pre Rinse
6.     Clean Dish Table with Splash back
7.     Dishwasher Table with Splash back
8.     Dishwasher Table with Splash Back
9.     Dishwasher Sink with Splash Back
10.  Clean Dish Rack with splash back
11.  Clean Table with under shelves
12.  Clean table with tray rest
13.  Dish Entry Table
14.  Landing Dish with scrape Hole
15.  Landing Dish with scrape Hole and under shelves

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